Part Detail 3935032
Part Number: 3935032Cummins | New O-ring - Vp44 To Gear Case | 1998-2002 Dodge 5.9l CumminsFind Your Grizzly Dealer
- Product DescriptionCummins isn't just an engine business, but a global power leader with more than billions in sales every year. Cummins is a family of inter-related, yet diversified businesses that create or enhance value as a result of doing business with each other or having those relationships.
Cummins Parts are made to highly specified standards, not only to deliver the power owners demand, but also to keep Cummins engines performing at top efficiency year after year. With correct parts and regular maintenance, drivers who utilize Cummins engines can depend on the performance and efficiency their vehicles were designed to deliver over the long haul. - Product SpecificationsBrand: CU - CumminsPart Description: Cummins | New O-ring - Vp44 To Gear Case | 1998-2002 Dodge 5.9l CumminsOur Part Number: 3935032Product Weight: .10 (lbs)Warranty: | Manufacturer supplied warrantyProposition 65 Warning:
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